Sunday, June 17, 2012


Milo:   Today was quite the day!   First, it was my Foster Daddy's Day, so we had brunch and then took a really nice long walk at a place called Potomac Overlook.  I'm not sure why my Foster Mom and Dad hadn't taken me there before - it was really cool!  Even Murray likes it, and let me tell you, he's very hard to please!

But best of all, when we got back, I met my new Mom!!   I have a Forever Home!  I know everyone in my foster family will miss me a lot (they all got kind of misty eyed and kissed me a lot when I was leaving), but I'm really excited!   In my new home, I'll have a big brother and a sister who's actually a cat, but she can't help it and I'll try to understand.  I'll get to go to work with my Mom and help her out.   We also have a farm where my Mom and her friend raise horses!   This is going to be fun!

My Mom promised my Foster Mom that she'll bring me back for visits, and I might even get to see Murray and her at the Meet and Greet next Saturday in Tysons Corner.   I can't wait to see Murray and tell him all about my new home.  He is going to be soooooo jealous!   Good-bye for now!

Murray:   I'll miss this one, but I think he's going to be happy.  And it will be nice to have my bed back...  Now that I mention it, I think I'll head up there right now and make sure it's as comfortable as I remember....   

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ah Bliss!!

Daddy Scratches

More Daddy Scratches

Milo:   So, I got tired of walking around looking like a dunce and bumping into everything so I took off that stupid cone thing.   I was hanging around and picked up some nice Foster Daddy Scratches.   Ahhhhh.....  


Even though I was a Good Boy and didn't bite my stitches, my Foster Brother's girlfriend stuck the thing back on.  Oh well.   I got some BroScratches for my troubles.  Ahhhh.....

More BroScratches

My other Foster Sister is coming home tomorrow.  I know she'll feel sorry for me and let me take this darn thing off.  Until then, I'm going to practice looking extra put out.  (Don't worry, I'll do a better job of it than I'm doing in Mom's pictures.)

Murray:   Truth be told, I'll be glad when the pup gets that thing off.  He's a hazard.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rough Day Yesterday

Murray:  Milo's eye and cheek swelled up yesterday for some reason, so when Mom came home she took him to the vet.  She says he has some kind of abscess, which got drained and now seems to be okay.   While he was there, the vet also removed a tumor that Mom had been kind of worried about, even though the doctor said it's probably nothing.   Mom kind of worries about us. 
Anyway, when Milo came home, he had this big hard plastic thing wrapped around his head, which he has to wear for about a week or so.   Mom says it's to keep him from biting the stitches, but it isn't doing a very good job.  One thing it has done pretty successfully is turned Milo into even more of a hazard than he usually is, bumping into all kinds of things because he can't see very well while wearing the Cone of Shame.  I feel kind of sorry for him.  Sort of.

Milo:  I think I'm handling this rather well, all things considered.  Check out my picture.  Could anyone else look so dignified wearing this thing?

By the way, I don't think that vet is all that smart.  It isn't really all that hard to munch on the stitches when I feel like it.  Only now Mom has put some bad tasting stuff on them so I guess I'll snack on something else.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

My First Time at the Dog Park!  Soooo much fun!